
Turds of Misery Revealed

June 19, 2010

So, that nonsense I typed up the other day about this weird picture of a faded 70s rock band called Turds of Misery kind of took off over the weekend. Internet writer John Biggs was the first to spot it, but the fuss all started because a writer named Ian S. Port at sfweekly.com believed my bullshit and ran it as a news item. This, for a while, lived on the front page of digg.com and has popped up all over the web.

Ian probably should have realized that there
really couldn’t be anyone named “Bagpipes McDonald.”

Anyway, I received this neato comment today:

  • To set the record straight…. These boys aren’t Canadians. They’re from the Davenport, Iowa area. That’s my dad in the middle with the beer. His name is Dave, not Gord. Wade is on the right, and Wade’s brother on the left. They did an excellent cover of “Wild Thing”.

This came from Laurie C., an interesting character in her own right. A little sleuthing turned up a current photo of her father:

Meet Dave. This guy still looks great — I like the fact that he stuck with the handlebar moustache and still rocks it today.

So, to Dave and Laurie and the Turds of Misery, thanks for helping me entertain thousands of new friends around the world. And please remember the slogan here at the Weather Station: “Now featuring 76 percent true stuff.”

You know, people would pay good money for Turds of Misery T-shirts. Just sayin.


  1. Weather Station: “Now featuring 100 percent more satire. Check context clues for details. Only valid at participating locations.”

  2. Yeah, I was at that concert. With, uhh, Megan Fox. Yeah, and she was naked. We ate chips. I was there, I tell ya.

  3. My dad is from Davenport, Iowa. Never had the chance to see the Turds live. But I had a “Koncept” (my old band) t-shirt toooo similar to the ToM shirts!

  4. That Gibson SG with the Bigsby is sweet-o-licious, but what the hell kind of cheap ass bass guitar is that?!?!!

    • It actually looks just like my first bass, a bad Fender Jazz knockoff I bought for $20 at a yard sale. It would be cool if it was the same one, but that isn’t possible … I’ve never been to Winnipeg.

  5. Hey guys I’m the Pat from the original Turds of Misery! Keep the records straight we were from Davenport and across the river in Illinois.

  6. My Dad (Dave) is on the left, lives in California and works as a software engineer.

    • Cool! Tell him his thousands of worldwide fans say hello … and remind him about that Turds reunion the other Dave’s daughter is pushing for.

  7. […] not everyone got the joke and the Weatherstation1 satire was quoted as […]

  8. love the shirts

  9. Laurie, you are right on! Wade is my uncle & that is him on the right. Crazy this is getting around!!

    • What is Wade’s last name? Is that his brother on the left? What’s his name? Inquiring Turd fans want to know!

  10. How ’bout a Turds of misery ressurection tour !!!

  11. The comment about “no such person as “Bagpipes McDonald”. Don’t be too sure. True story….back in the 70’s I hitch-hiked with a friend through Scotland, and we were actually given a ride by a man in a black Mercedes, full kilts, claiming to be William McDonald, voted world champion piper(he showed us his pipes in the trunk,beautiful!) five years in a row. He was returning from some games and was in a jolly good mood!

  12. For the record, Dave’s mustache is not a ‘handlebar’. it’s a style called a Fu Manchu, kind of a racist term now, based on a chinese movie villain. a handlebar mustache looks like bicycle handlebars – old timey, waxed, stiff, sticks out straight on both sides and the tips end in waxed curls

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