Archive for September 10th, 2010


Hobgoblin’s “Special” Ability

September 10, 2010

Do you remember The Hobgoblin? He was a mysterious Spider-Man villain of the ’80s, a spin-off, if you will, of the classic Green Goblin character. Comic Book Resources’ Legends Revealed column this week looks at The Hobgoblin, and includes this amazing image:

I don’t remember much of this character, but at least now I know his superpower: goblin farts. You can tell what it is by the looks on the dudes’ faces behind him. Heinous!


Captain America: The Movie

September 10, 2010

Thanks to these images leaked from the set of Marvel Studios’ production of Captain America: The First Avenger, here’s what we know about the film.

1. It takes place in England, and involves a guy wearing an American flag as a costume. At some point, he’ll probably say  “Oh, you mean soccer.”

2. Captain America is small and kind of pudgy.

3. His motorcycle has all kinds of extra crap on it, like water bottles and … tubes.

4. I thought Chris Evans did his own stunts. Evidently, that scene in The Fantastic Four where he stunt-jumped a dirtbike and burst into flames was special effects. Bummer.

5. In this movie, Captain America isn’t fighting Nazis. He’s fighting Cobra.